Anthropology. Betsy A. Beymer-Farris. Political Ecology, political economy, Commodity Chains and Networks, Food & Environment, East Africa, tropical ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Change, livelihoods, gender, Environmental conservation, development.


This has come from a range of disciplines – anthropology, economics, geography , political science and environmental history. Over the course of the last two years  

Lost and found crops: agrobiodiversity, indigenous knowledge, and a feminist political ecology of sorghum and finger millet in northern Malawi. She served as its editor for ten years. In 2012 she became the Chair of the Ecology and Culture University Seminar at Columbia. Recently, she has served as the chair of the Association of Social Anthropology in Oceania and is the past president of the Anthropology and Environment Society of the American Anthropological Association.

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Reviews in Anthropology 46 (2-3) 106-124. (1996). Bringing political ecology into critical medical anthropology: A challenge to biocultural approaches. Medical Anthropology: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 129-141. Se hela listan på 2021-04-21 · Other articles where Political ecology is discussed: anthropology: Environmental and ecological studies in anthropology: The approach known as political ecology criticizes it for portraying premodern societies as timeless and outside of history. Other anthropologists, working under the label historical ecology, reject not only the equilibrium approach but also the notion of static nonhuman As I suggest, political ecology requires a radical remake, perhaps a political ecology 2.0, which brings in nature in a new way and makes the category of the political more inclusive.

25 Oct 2015 Open access journals in social science, political ecology, urban studies, anthropology and geography that are free or with reasonable fees.

Political Ecology  Power in Conservation: Environmental Anthropology Beyond Political Ecology ( Routledge Studies in Conservation and the Environment) - Kindle edition by  Bringing Political Ecology into Critical. Medical Anthropology: A Challenge to Biocultural Approaches.

2021-04-21 · Other articles where Political ecology is discussed: anthropology: Environmental and ecological studies in anthropology: The approach known as political ecology criticizes it for portraying premodern societies as timeless and outside of history. Other anthropologists, working under the label historical ecology, reject not only the equilibrium approach but also the notion of static nonhuman

Willow, A & Wylie, S. (2014, 12 1). Politics, ecology, and the new anthropology of energy: exploring the emerging frontiers of hydraulic fracking.

Journal of Political Ecology 21(1) :222-236. doi: 10.2458/v21i1.21134 My conclusion is that political ecology theory provides a better explanation than the resilience approach.
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Political ecology anthropology

3,366 likes. JPE is a free, peer reviewed scholarly journal (ISSN: 1073-0451), publishing on political economic links to environmental outcomes. It was 2021-04-08 · This graduate seminar explores these questions and the rich theoretical and methodological debates opened in environmental anthropology and related fields.

My background is in ethnology and anthropology, focusing on environmental anthropology, cultural ecology and political ecology.
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(1996). Bringing political ecology into critical medical anthropology: A challenge to biocultural approaches. Medical Anthropology: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 129-141.

In this article, I assess the resilience framework through an analysis of the effects of droughts over a long time perspective, between circa 1800 and 1950, in two East African communities: the Kamba of Kenya and the Gogo Political ecology is a critical research field within anthropology and related disciplines that examines how and why economic structures and power relations drive environmental change in an The major track is grounded in strong theoretical and methodological training in sociocultural anthropology. Upon graduation, Anthropology (Political Ecology) will be designated on their transcript as their major field of study. Note that the Department does not offer a minor in Political Ecology.

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“Culture, Power, and Global Environment“ is an online course on Janux.

Cultural Forests of the Amazon: A Historical Ecology of People and their Landscapes. · 2009. “The meaning of “tree” in two different  A peer-review, online anthropological journal owned and published by.